MYIR's SAM9X5 board has not enabled SPI driver by default. If you want to use, you need to enable SPI driver when compiling the kernel. Please follow below steps:
1. Open menuconfig
$ make ARCH=arm myir_MYD-SAM9X5_4.3lcd_defconfig
$ make menuconfig
2. Please find the item "Support most SPI Flash chips (AT26DF, M25P, W25X, ...)", i.e. "CONFIG_MTD_M25P80" as in below location and open it.
-> Device Drivers
| -> Memory Technology Device (MTD) support (MTD [=y]) |
| -> Self-contained MTD device drivers
Press space twice to open it:
3. Re-compile the kernel
$ make ARCH=arm uImage CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/local/arm-2010q1/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
4. The SPI driver will be shown after the board booted under the path "/dev/mtd4
5. Please download below test program for using the SPI linux driver which can be used for the MYD-SAM9X5 and MYS-SAM9X5 boards.