How is UART 2 physically connected on the MYC-SAM9G35 module?
I have MYC-SAM9G35 module. I try use UART 2. I connect it accordance with schematic ( I use PA7 and PA21.
If I send data from Linux Embedded to PC, it's work. But If I try send data from PC, it's no work. In dokumentation to sam9g35 procesor UART2 is connect to PA7 and PA8. I try connect PA 21 to PA8 and set PA 21 as input gpio, but it still no work. How is UART 2 physically connected on the MYC-SAM9G35 module? (which pin I should use?) What is the correct way of connecting?
You can find the schematic in CD
01-Documents\Schematic\MYD-SAM9x5_MB.pdf, which will show you the connection.
The UART2 ( actually USART2 )
is bound to PA7 and PA8: